Audrey is on board, my friends!
Below is a post from "The Nooner Blog," a blog featured on SNY.TV.
"Little-known fact: When Mark Sanchez farts, butterflies come out.
And that’s actually the most unsavory thing about the Jets’ young quarterback.
Normally, here at the Editorial Whee!, we’re the most self-flaggelating of Jets fans. We firmly believe that, if left to their own devices, the Jets will go 8-8 in every season, just bad enough to miss the playoffs but just good enough to miss out on a decent draft pick.
Last year, they were one Dick Mauron gaffe away from that record.
This year, something funny is happening to us, and we don’t quite understand it yet. It’s kind of like puberty, except this time the funny feeling in our pants is hope for Gang Green. Oh, and it also probably has to do with our giant mancrush on Mark Sanchez.
Look at him, for chrissakes! He’s f@#$ing beautiful. Look at his eyes. That’s what a quarterback looks like."